Posts in Readings
Solving Earth’s problems ever so slowly - one element at a time ...

There are so many chemical elements that are critical for life on earth - but mankind is paying such little attention to them - seemingly just one at a time. And we can’t even solve the problems surrounding the cycling of just one of them - carbon!

If only we were all educated about the vital importance and wonder of key elements, we could solve the globe’s problems so much more quickly.

Here, we see the media presenting some in-depth understanding about two of the most important elements - nitrogen and phosphorus - but with too much focus on the elements of fear and danger!

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On leaving Twitter

A few reflections on why I had to quit Twitter - to protest against this valuable informal ‘town square’ being used by its new rich owner to further his own interests. I look forward to the evolution of a new world ‘town square’ which excludes anonymous participants and where, by design, vested interests are minimised.

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Learning about 'The Future of Life on Earth' ...

“The future is in our hands” … “it is our urgent task today … to repurpose (the march of the megamachine) … so it may serve the needs of all life on Earth …” What an inspiring talk by Professor Roberto Trotta - his final lecture at Gresham College in the UK - which spans from the largest dimensions to the smallest lifeforms on our “pale blue dot” spinning through the universe!

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