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Recent Blogs …

Planet earth needs trustworthy science

Too often in this world, media attention is given to a few well known and famous names in science.  The knowledge of the many more ‘ordinary’ scientists - of whom I am proudly one - is mostly unknown by society at large.  The consequence is a knowledge deficit within the broader community which is a waste and, I would argue, ultimately a peril to our world.

If we enabled societies access to trusted knowledge - generated and interpreted by both great AND ordinary scientists - with transparency but without vested interests - societies would be better able to make informed decisions about solutions to problems.  That is a worthy goal.  Let’s encourage this to happen!

In this blog, I intend to give readers a little insight into what goes through an ordinary scientist’s mind about a wide range of issues - such as some books I have read, some of my views about education, science careers, science publishing, obstacles to ensuring trust in science, the influence of the media and ideology, how governments can help or hinder, etc.

Hopefully, you will find these blogs of interest as we humans strive to secure a viable future for our precious blue planet.

(If you would like to see new posts, please Subscribe for updates below.)

- Dr Jim Scott